
Formato HTML para melhorar a visibilidade no motor de busca

Meta Title

  •  Should contain the main keyword for the page, followed by a brief description of the page content
  •  Should be less than 65 characters
  •  Avoid using stop words such as: a, am, an, and, are, as, at, be, by, com, de, en, for, from, how, in, is, it, la, of, on, or, that, the, this, to, was, what, when, where, who, will, with, www, we, you, your, me, mine, my, i
  •  Your title tag should also be limited to the use of alphanumeric characters, hyphens, and commas

Meta Description

  •  Should contain information about the page’s content and persuade search engine users to visit your web site
  •  Between 25 and 35 words in length
  •  You may use Google’s Keyword Tool: https://adwords.googlecom/o/KeywordTool

Meta Keywords

Should contain between 5-10 keywords or keyword phrases that are also found in page content.


Should use at least one H1 heading tag for the search engines that examine it when scanning your site.

Image Tag

Each page should include a relevant image with a roper image tag. This makes your page more visually appealing and enables search engines to catalog the image.

Unique Content

Because search engines treat web sites as a grouping of pages and not a single entity, each page on your site should be unique so that the tags and content differ between each page. Doing so increases the number of pages that will rank.


It’s important that search engine spiders find your robots.txt file that guides spiders to pages and directories you want scanned and denies entry to protected areas of your site.


It’s important to use two site maps for your website–an XML version and a static version. The XML version can be created with search engine visibility’s site map tool. The static version should sit on a static HTML page and contain links to every other page.

Global Links

Each page of your site should contain links to every other page so search engine spiders can find every page. This is a critical step for the proper indexing and PageRank distribution of your site.

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Autor: Marta Silva
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